CSSE Code, Code, Coding assignment.

Review. Teacher posts for Linux Shell and Bash, JS Output w/API. Review Snake Game.

Option 1. Add to the lessons and snake game making code cells in Jupyter Notebooks and hacks in Markdown for better understanding Option 2. Combine all the concepts/requirements into something unique and you feel is awesome.

  • Make a plan on what you and your Pair plan to do, this must exist by Monday night. You should have proof in live review of a draft in GitHub Issues history.
  • Ask Teacher questions and interact with them on Slack or live by end of Mon, Tue…. particularly interact with Teacher when you have posted a draft of your plan. This would be considered Collaboration. Try to get feedback from Teacher on Plan.
  • Results must have Linux and interaction in VSCode (Jupyter Notebook)
  • Results must have Web interaction in JavaScript
  • Snake Game try to make Apple square red or add red apple; or add WASD keys.
  • Bring these into GitHub pages repo as Hacks or Tangibles on you Time Box page.
  • Review code with ChatGPT, perhaps ask “Can you provide a review of this code?” Then paste in code. Curate response into page(s).
  • Plan your Pair Showcase, know exactly what you will present. Try to do it within 3 minutes.
  • Build a review ticket with pair in Time Box page to accelerate discussion.
  • Be ready for Live review on Thu or Friday.