Computer Science Time Box Page

Unit1: Build a Time Box

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair Daisy and Katelyn.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan
- Sample Tool Procedure ...
- Sample IPYNB w/ html,img
1 - Sample of Detail Plan
- Sample IPYNB w/ table,code
- My Accomplishments
2 - Week 2 Plan
- My plan
- Teacher's plan
- Calculator IPYNB
- Game of Life
- Classic Snake Game
- Todo List Week 2
- Calculator MD
3 - Week 3 Plan
- My plan
- Calculator
- Game of Life
4 - Calculator
- Grade calculator
5 - Sprite Animations
6 - Web Programming Basics
7 - u suck
- Canvas
- Platform test
- Platform game (copied from google)
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Individual Review
8 - Memory Game
- Rock-Paper-Scissors
9 - Daisy World with Bunny
10 - jbutton
- jbutton with hex
11 - random quote generator
- random problem generator

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
12 - message
- counter
13 - Mario Player with Hills Background
- Mario Hills Background
14 - image carosuel
- Digital clock
15 - Calculator 2
- Dynamic Game Levels
16 - Grocery list
- Tip calculator
17 - Flashcards
- Tip Calculator 2
18 - Flashcards 2
- To do List
19 - Sticky Notes
- Timer
20 - math game
- Unsplash API
21 - speech bubble
- Spritesheet Test
22 - favsongs plan
- collision test