Week 0

I installed Tools including VSCode, Github for Desktop, and Homebrew. Some notes and hacks:

  • ./activate_macos.sh very important
  • git pull —> update
  • Site directory is generated!! (Through make process)
  • All html, browsers love html
  • .gitignore
  • Never commit a dim file!!
  • Dem files are gitignore, all originals
  • Don’t commit generated files
  • .yml is data
  • Don’t put data in code (abstraction)
  • Name (key): John (value)
  • baseurl is what you named repository
  • Change theme —> change config.yml
  • Readme —> how to use a theme
  • Highlighted–> files added by someone else
  • Ipynb —> interactive python notebook

In addition, I got into my partner pair and got to know them better.