
Today I added my progress and everything else I did into the nighthawk pages template with everything in dark mode and also added in the OOP mario game version into my code.


Today I created a digital clock with the help of a youtube tutorial and learned some cool functions built into javascript which use today’s date and today’s time! I used the date.getDay(), date.getHours(), and date.getMinutes(); to get the exact current date, hour, and minute.


Today I created a digital carosuel with fun baby pictures I found online.


Added answer prompt, with help of input. Combined random problem generator with input pass the message miniproject.


Added random problems, so far have 5. Plan to include answer prompt + right/wrong in the end. Included answer, prompt, extra button and source.


Today I had a great idea for a project! I built it off of a random quote generator, but my plan is to make a random problem generator that can then prompt you for an answer to tell you if you are right or wrong and maybe give you a solution. I am very excited for this project!


Today was night at the museum and it was really cool to see all the work from other students’ projects. I looked at some peoples’ projects but was especially inspired by Vivian’s group’s project, which was an emotion detector which could track points on your face and figure out if you were happy or sad. N@TM was very inspiring and makes me look forward to creating more advanced projects in the future.

My three peer reviews:


I messed around with the code in JM’s AlienWorld. I got the top chicken to change into a bunny, but for some reason couldn’t get the dancing coyotes to become princesses.


Today, I made a rock-paper-scissors game by suing querySelector, mathrandom, and basic logic functions : ?.


Today, I made a tic-tac-toe game from a youtube video and committted it to my repository. I used classes, eventListener, query searcher, and index searching to do this. I also printed commands in the console when an action was performed.


Today, I worked on trying to code a simple Javascript game using a Youtube video, but for some reason it wasn’t working

Everywhere In-between

Week 4:

Week 3:

Week 2:

Before (Blogs):

After (Blogs):

Before (Lab Notebook):

After (Lab Notebook):

Week 1:

Week 0: